Khasiat dan Kegunaan :
  • Merawat jerawat, jeragat, gatal-gatal pada kulit muka, resdung, jerawat yg bernanah dan berair
  • Menghilangkan peredaran darah pada permukaan kulit.Dengan itu dapat meningkatkan penyahtoksikan dan penambahan sel-sel tisu / tisu.
  • Sebagai awet muda dan menaikkan seri wajah
  • Menjadikan kulit muka lembap,gebu dan lembut.
  • Juga berkesan untuk menjaga kecantikan kulit pada seluruh bahagian badan.
  • Menyejuk dan menyegarkan badan yang panas
  • Merawat demam panas, campak, chickenpox dsb
  • Merawat ruam dan gatal-gatal kulit pada bayi.
Cara Penggunaannya :
1. Sapu bedak sejuk Bidara pada bahagian muka atau kulit yang berkenaan.Biar ia kering.
2. Bagi demam panas,sapu pada bahagian belakang,dahi,leher dsb.Biarkan ia kering.
3. Bagi luka atau kudis yang tidak boleh kena air.Sapu bedak sejuk Bidara.Biar ia kering. Buat 3 kali sehari.
Ramuan :
Beras, Bidara, Kunyit


Bedak Sejuk Bidara made from coarse rice powder, Zizypus jujube leaf, black cumin seed, turmeric, galangal powder. This preparation is a whole powdered herbs mixed in water like a mask lotion mixture. It is a powerful anti-bacteria, anti-virus and anti-inflammatory herbal product for external use. This is a totally traditional preparation of Malay`s bedak sejuk for facial\skin  uplift, anti-ageing, toning, firming as well as treatment of skin disorders. No synthetic chemical actives\additives being added. Only food grade preservative (sodium benzoate) being used at  0.07% for shelf life purpose. It is 100% water-based formulation without any solvent, stabilizer, emulsifier, surfactant and chemical excipients .
Bedak Sejuk Bidara contains protein, vitamin B complex, minerals and anti-oxidant from brown rice and Zizyphus jujube leaf. These nutrients support skin cells rejuvenation & repair. Whilst phytonutrient bioactives spectrum from the whole herbs act synergistically as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-ulcer.
Hence Bedak Sejuk Bidara is highly effective to treat skin disorders, skin abscess(promote suppuration), measles, skin ulcers, wounds, boils & sores, acne & pimples, eczema, skin allergies, insect sting. It treats from mild & acute to chronic & serious facial skin problems & outbreaks caused by allergies or hypersensitive reactions from using chemicals containing cosmetics like creams, lotions, facial cleansers and make-ups.
Bedak Sejuk Bidara able to rejuvenate facial\skin becomes firm, moist, soft, elastic and nourished as well. The facial skin glows & shines. These are because improved blood circulation, detoxification and well nourished skin cells.
It can be applied as skin scrub or leave-on for facial skin uplift and toning purposes. For leave-on method, shake well the bottle and apply Bedak Sejuk Bidara on the face. Rub gently following anti-clockwise for 1-2 minutes. Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash off  before bed at night. Or let it act on the face overnight. Wash  the face when wake-up in the morning. To treat ulcers, abscess, wounds, boils and other skin disorders,  just apply Bedak Sejuk Bidara onto affected area of the skin after shaking well the bottle. Let it dry 1-3 hours. This will prevent flies & insects from getting into the affected area. Then wash the affected skin with clean, warm water. Dry and clean up the affected with clean cotton. Apply Bedak Sejuk for 3-4 times daily.